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Regulations for Breed Associations or Clubs

On the 15th, the RSCE Steering Committee approved the official recognition of the Association Our Belgian Shepherds (ANPB) as a Friend Club. We want to thank the  committee headed by its president Mr. Juliàn Hernández the trust placed in our Association  and likewise thank all the partners for their unconditional support, without which this recognition would not have been possible. Thank you all.

The past September 15th, management committee of RSCE approved the formal recognition of the ANPB (Asociación Nuestro Pastores Belgas) as an affiliated Club. We would like to thank the committee and its chairman Mr. Julián Hernández the trust placed in our association, as well as each and every one of our members their unconditional support without which this achievement would not have been possible. Thanks everyone.

I passed 15 the RSCE Steering Committee to Approuvé la  reconnaissance officielle de L'Association Our Belgian Shepherds (Nos Bergers Belges) comme "Club Ami". Nous tenons to merit the president Mr. Julian Hernandez for the trust place in the notre association and to merit all the members for the unconditioned subject, sans lequel cette recommaissance naurait pas été possible.

Merce a tous.

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