The habit and practice of abbreviation often lead us to speak of Groenendaels, Malinois, Laekenois or Tervuerens as a breed, but it is important to be well aware that the breed is "ONE" and that the BELGIAN SHEPHERD Groenendael, Malinois, Laekenois or Tervueren they are nothing more than varieties. They are distinguished from each other only by the texture and color of the hair.
The Belgian Shepherd, due to the harmony of its structure as well as the extreme sensitivity of its intelligence, belongs to the aristocracy of the numerous herding races, existing in the world.
This breed, whose selection has been unceasingly followed and improved, since the end of the 19th century in Belgium and before the 1914 war in France, is currently fixed and stabilized. The French hut is important in number and homogeneity, the result of 45 to 50 years of rigorous selection carried out by serious amateurs.
Physically, the Belgian Shepherd is a medium-sized lupoid, with a mid-line construction that combines the power of its skeleton and its dry musculature, with a great general elegance due to the harmony of its lines and the flexibility of its steps. The successful balance between these two trends, power and elegance, characterizes the great champions. It should be noted that a slight excess of power is more easily admitted in a male, while an excess of elegance is more generally forgiven in a female. ( read more ... )
General appearance
The Belgian Shepherd Dog is medium-straight, harmoniously proportioned, at the same time elegant and powerful, of medium size and dry and strong musculature. His body is inscribed in a square. It is rustic, used to life in the open air, and its constitution allows it to withstand the frequent atmospheric variations of the Belgian climate. Due to the harmony of its forms and the haughty bearing of the head, the Belgian Shepherd Dog must appreciate that elegant robustness that has become the attribute of the select representatives of a working breed. The Belgian Shepherd will be judged in static, in a natural position, without physical contact with the presenter.
Your body must be inscribed in a square. The chest should descend to the level of the elbows. The length of the muzzle is equal to or slightly greater than half the length of the head.
Anatomical Features:
He wears it high; it is long, without exaggeration, well chiseled and dry. The length of the skull and muzzle is similar, with a slight advantage for the muzzle, which gives the impression of a well finished set .
The arcades (supercilials ) and the zygomatic arches are not prominent.
Nose (Nose): Black in color (the nostrils are wide open).
Muzzle : Of medium length and well chiseled below the eyes, gradually tapering towards the region of the nose. It is shaped like an elongated truncated cone. The region of the nasal canal is straight and is parallel to the imaginary line that extends the forehead . Jaws wide open, which means that when the mouth is open the corners of the lips are stretched well back, leaving the jaws wide apart.
Lips : Thin, well set and strongly pigmented.
Jaws / Teeth: The teeth are strong and white. Their articulation is uniform and they are strongly implanted in well developed jaws. The joint is in the form of a "scissor". The 'pincer' shaped denture is accepted, which is preferred by sheep and cattle drivers. Complete denture, according to the dental formula (42 pieces). The absence of 2 premolars (PM1) is accepted, and the 3 molars (M3) are not taken into consideration.
Cheeks: They are dry and very flat, although muscular.
Eyes: Medium in size; they are neither prominent nor sunken. Its shape is slightly almond. They are oblique (positioned a little laterally), brown, preferably dark, and the edges of the eyelids are black. The look is direct, lively, intelligent and questioning.
Ears: They are rather small, set high and visibly triangular in shape, with a pointed tip. Well rounded basin. They are stiff and upright when the dog is attentive.
Well laid-back , slightly elongated, and muscular. It presents quite a lot
upright and gradually widens towards the shoulder area. There is no presence of double chin. The neck is slightly arched.
Big, but without the appearance of heaviness. Its length, taken from the tip of the sternum to the tip of the buttock, is approximately equal to the height at the withers to the ground.
Upper line : The back and lumbar region form a straight line.
Cruz: It is accentuated.
Back: Firm, short and well muscled.
Loin (Kidney): Solid, short, wide enough and well muscled.
Croup: It is muscular and slightly sloping. Wide, although not excessively.
Chest: Well lowered while deep, with arched ribs at the top. Seen from the front, it must be not very wide, without being narrow.
Bottom line: Starts below the chest (from the elbow) and rises slightly in a harmonious curve towards the belly, which is neither arched nor sunken, but rather collected and moderately developed.
It is well established. Strong at base, medium length. It reaches up to the hock, but should preferably exceed it. In static it appears hanging, with the tip slightly bent back at the level of the hock. When the dog is in motion it is more upright, without exceeding the horizontal line of the back. The curve of the tip is then more marked, although without deviating, or having a hook shape at any time.
On the whole : The bones are solid, but not heavy. The muscles are strong and dry. Viewed from all sides, the forelimbs are vertical. Seen from the front, they are perfectly parallel.
Shoulders : The shoulder blade is long and oblique. It is well attached to the shoulders, forming an angle with the humerus whose ideal measure is 110 to 115 °.
Arms : Long enough and oblique.
Elbows : They are firm, neither detached nor tucked under the body.
Forearms : Long and straight.
Carpus (Wrists): They are firm and clean.
Pasterns: Strong and short. They are as perpendicular to the ground as possible or only very slightly inclined towards the front.
Feet (Toes): Round; cat's foot. The fingers are hunched and close together. The pads are thick and elastic and the nails are dark and thick.
Altogether: They are powerful, but without the appearance of heaviness. Seen in profile, they are plumb and seen from behind they are perfectly parallel.
Thighs : Of medium length, broad and well muscled.
Knees : Approximately plumb to the hips. Angulation is normal.
Legs : Of medium length, broad and muscular.
Hock joint : It occurs close to the ground. It is broad and muscular and moderately angled.
Metatarsals : Solid and short. The Rams are not desirable.
Feet (Toes): May be slightly oval; fingers hunched and close together. The pads are thick and elastic and the nails are dark and thick.
Live and easy movement covering the maximum ground: The Belgian Shepherd is a good runner but his usual marks are the step and especially the trot.
( read more .. )
Typical print of a long-haired Belgian Shepherd, this time of a male Tervueren. The one followed by lines, the well marked cross that highlights a good neck start that arches towards the nape with well-erect and pointed ears, all framed by a thick and abundant collar give an absolutely distinctive appearance to the specimens of our race. The color of the coat, whether it be fawn, gray or black, only enhances this exclusivity.
In the photo, RE Ch. UCCELLO des Louves d'Imonville, Best Tervueren Nac. Breeding Fr. 2010. As a curiosity, Uccello has Perette in 4th generation, to Olrick in 5th and Romy the 6th, the three brothers from different litters with the affix "du Chemin des Dames".
The head, as we well know, is another distinctive sign for any breed. In the photo, four females representing the four varieties of Belgian Shepherd and showing total uniformity. Rectilinear, midline heads, with a very straight snout, flat skull, good stop, excellent almond-shaped and slightly oblique eyes with a beautiful expression, serene and challenging at the same time, denoting their intelligence and sensitivity, thin and taut lips with wide open jaws and medium ears. perfectly placed, fine and well erect. Separate mention deserves the snout, straight, well chiseled and with the surroundings of the eyes, also well chiseled, dry, "smooth and clean", without rough areas in the surroundings of the orbital, zygomatic, masseter and cheek arches. This fact is absolutely decisive for that typical expression so characteristic of our Belgian Shepherds.
In the photo, from left to right, the females mr Ch. GALLIPETTE d'Eroudur, Best Laekenois Nac. De Breeding Fr. 2010 and 2011; Mr. Ch. RELISSANE of the Fôret d'Olifan,
Groenendael female, CAC and BIS in Breeding Sp. 2004; RE Ch. RAIFE du Val
Myrak, Best Tervueren Nac. Breeding Fr. 2004 and RE Ch. VANILLE du Crépuscule des
Loups, Best Malinois Born in Breed Fr. 2011. As a curiosity, the four females of
the photo, except Gallipette, has Olrick du Chemin des Dames in 4th or 5th generation, and
therefore to Mick de Iamara, in 8th or 9th generation.
Excellent ensemble in this large Groenendael male. Its square construction, with excellent bones, angles and poise under the body, chest at the elbows, well rounded croup, flat back, notorious cross, sufficient neck and rectilinear head of beautiful proportions with flat skull, straight snout and crowned by typical ears , result in a very harmonious line of lines that perfectly combines the power and elegance typical of the breed.
In the photo SS sr Ch KISSES de d'Artamas, Best Groenendael Esp. Breeding Esp. 2011, 2012 and 2014. Kisses, has Perette du Chemin des Dames in 6th generation and Mick de Iamara in 10th.
More than 30 years separate the photos of these two Malinois males, but as we can see, the type is practically identical, which highlights the excellent level of short hairs in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Again we see square subjects harmonious, well proportioned and angulated, with beautiful poise and a typical presentation attitude in our breed. Expressiveness and fixity in the person who catches your attention. It is very common in these circumstances that the vigor of our dogs and the support of the well-fastened leash, make them "pull" forward, the dog is tense, the withers are raised and as a consequence and frequently, the rear legs drop a little out of body. Special mention should be made of the excellent warm and charcoal tawny color and the very tall mask that the specimen on the right shows and that can be guessed at the other.
In the photos, on the left RE Ch and Ch Int. RUBIS de Ventadour, born 07-27-1968, CAC Paris 1970 and the first French Malinois to obtain the International Ch Title. Rubis is the brother of the Elite Breeders Ranie and Raky, subjects with great relevance in the evolution of the variety. On the right the Belgian male RE Multi Ch. ARAMIS du Hameau St-Blaise, born 05-03-2001, Best Malinois and BIS Nac Breeding Fr. 2005. As a curiosity, Aramis has Ranie in 7th generation and Raky in 8th .
Movement in a shepherd dog is essential. Our breed has a square build, with a well-muscled and slightly sloping croup, a firm, short and tight lumbar region and back, an accentuated withers and moderate angles, together with dry and strong muscles and joints, solid bones, firm wrists. and net and climbing shoes with thick and elastic pads. All these characteristics should be visualized in the gaits, especially in the trot. As evidenced in the photo, the body harmony remains intact with a notable upper line, the tracks are covered and good angles and poise are appreciated. It should be noted that the specimen, a female Tervueren, at the time of the photo had
turned 11 years old. Which once confirms one of the most outstanding qualities of our breed, not only longevity, but the maintenance of remarkable athletic qualities until very advanced ages, which is unthinkable in other breeds in our environment.
The dog in the photo is SS Ch Dalia de Pedra-Lume -RA, Best Tervueren and BIS Esp de Cría Esp. 2008.
Note : All the photos belong to the personal archive of Jose Casado. Its reproduction or use is totally prohibited without the express written authorization of the Association Our Belgian Shepherds.
If our breed has a remarkable, cheerful, elastic, easy, lively, easy-going and sufficiently covering trot, it does not stand out less in other athletic aspects. His general dry and sinewy constitution make him a fast specimen, with accelerations and changes of rhythm and lightning turns. He also stands out in his powerful jumps, showing with
Absolutely faithful eyes fixed on your guide even in situations of unlikely turns. The athletic potential of our Belgian Shepherds is one of their greatest treasures and is revealed in their daily activity with the family and in their relationship with other people, not only in herding and utility tasks and in agility rings and sports work. , where it dazzles every day.
In the photo the female Malinois, Brenka de Lukine at Loce, Ch RCI 2011.
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